


","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); ?>



","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); ?>



","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); print(""); exit; } if(($action == "createroom1" || $action == "createroom2") && $SERVER['MAX_ROOMS'] < $roomsifplusedbyone && $SERVER['MAX_ROOMS'] != 0 && $XUSER['LEVEL'] < 4){ ?>



","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); print(""); exit; } if($action == "logout"){ $expuser = round($SERVER['EXP_USER']/60); $expmsg = round($SERVER['EXP_MSG']/60); $exproom = round($SERVER['EXP_ROOMS']/60); $expuser .= $txt[8]; $expmsg .= $txt[8]; $exproom .= $txt[8]; if($SERVER['EXP_USER'] == 0) $expuser = $txt[9]; if($SERVER['EXP_MSG'] == 0) $expmsg = $txt[9]; if($SERVER['EXP_ROOMS'] == 0) $exproom = $txt[9]; $news = ""; if($SERVER['NEWS'] != ""){ $news = "
"; $news .= "
"; $news .= "
"; } ?> $txt[10]



"; printct(700,700,"
",$body,"$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "bwe"){ ?>

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "main"){ ?> "; $news .= "
"; $news .= "
"; } ?> $txt[19]



"; printct(700,700,"
",$body,"$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "logintype1"){ ?> "; $news .= "
"; $news .= "
"; } ?> $txt[21]



"; printct(700,700,"
",$body,"$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "list"){ ?>
"; DoQuery("DELETE FROM $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]online WHERE username='$XUSER[NAME]' AND roomname='$ROOMS[IN_ROOM_NAME]' OR ip='$XUSER[IP]' AND roomname='$ROOMS[IN_ROOM_NAME]'"); }else{ $banned = ""; } if(isset($pincorrect)){ $banned .= "$txt[23]

"; } $body = listrooms(); if($PERMISSIONS['CreateRoom'] != 1){ $body .= "

$txt[25]"; } $temp = $PERMISSIONS['Edit_Settings']+$PERMISSIONS['Edit_Styles']+$PERMISSIONS['Edit_Permissions']+$PERMISSIONS['Edit_Users']+$PERMISSIONS['Edit_Room']+$PERMISSIONS['Server_Ban']+$PERMISSIONS['Edit_Filter']+$PERMISSIONS['Edit_Smilies']+$PERMISSIONS['Edit_Bandwidth']; if($temp != 0){ $body .= "
[$txt[386]]"; } printct(700,700,"

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "createroom1"){ ?>
"; if($PERMISSIONS['CR_Moderated'] != 1){ $body .= ""; } $body .= ""; if($PERMISSIONS['CR_NeverExpire'] == 1){ $body .= ""; } $body .= "
"; printct(700,700,"

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "createroom2"){ if(!isset($moded)){ $moded = 0; } if(!isset($neverexp)){ $neverexp = 0; } ?>
"; $donotmake = "set"; } if($PERMISSIONS['CR_Private'] == 1 && $type==2){ $body = "$txt[37]

"; $donotmake = "set"; } if($PERMISSIONS['CR_Moderated'] == 1 && $moded==1){ $body = "$txt[38]

"; $donotmake = "set"; } if($roomword == "" && $type==2){ $body = "$txt[172]

"; $donotmake = "set"; } if($maxusers == "" || $maxusers < 2 || eregi("[A-z]",$maxusers)){ $maxusers = 2; } if($name == ""){ $body = "$txt[39]

"; $donotmake = "set"; } if($PERMISSIONS['CR_NeverExpire'] == 1){ if($neverexp == 1){ $time = 0; }else{ $time = time(); } }else{ $time = time(); } $name = strip($name); $greeting = strip($greeting); $greeting = eregi_replace("'","\\'",$greeting); $name = eregi_replace("'","\\'",$name); $type = strip($type); $moded = strip($moded); $topic = strip($topic); $topic = eregi_replace("'","\\'",$topic); $roomword = strip($roomword); $maxusers = strip($maxusers); if(!isset($donotmake)){ DoQuery("INSERT INTO $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]rooms VALUES('0','$name','$type','','$greeting','$moded','$topic','$roomword','$maxusers','$time')"); $body = "$txt[41]$txt[40]"; $q = DoQuery("SELECT * FROM $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]rooms WHERE name='$name'"); $row = Do_Fetch_Row($q); if($XUSER['LEVEL'] != 5 && $XUSER['LEVEL'] != 4 && $PERMISSIONS['Give_Ops_Own'] == 1){ DoQuery("UPDATE $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]users SET level='3$row[0]' WHERE username='$XUSER[NAME]'"); } } printct(700,700,"

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "vp"){ ?>
$txt[6]"; $error=0; if($pass1 != $pass2){ $body = "$txt[44]

"; $error =1; } if(!isset($email)){ $body = "$txt[45]

"; $error =1; } if($error == 1){}else{ $pass1 = strip($pass1); $email = strip($email); $ava = strip($ava); $realname = strip($realname); $location = strip($location); $hobbies = strip($hobbies); $bio = strip($bio); $time = time(); if($XUSER['TIME'] == 0){ $time = 0; } DoQuery("DELETE FROM $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]users WHERE username='$XUSER[NAME]'"); DoQuery("INSERT INTO $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]users VALUES ('$row[0]','$row[1]','$row[2]','$email','$row[4]','$ava','$realname','$location','$hobbies','$bio','$row[10]','$row[11]','$time','$row[13]')"); if($pass1 != ""){ changePass($pass1,$XUSER['NAME']); } } }else{ $q = DoQuery("SELECT * FROM $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]users WHERE username='$viewprofile'"); $row = Do_Fetch_Row($q); $email = $row[3]; $ava =$row[5]; $realname = $row[6]; $loco = $row[7]; $hobb = $row[8]; $bio = $row[9]; $body = "

"; } }else{ $q = DoQuery("SELECT * FROM $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]users WHERE username='$viewprofile'"); $row = Do_Fetch_Row($q); $pro_user = $row[1]; $pro_email = $row[3]; $pro_name = $row[6]; $pro_location = $row[7]; $pro_hobbies = $row[8]; $pro_bio = $row[9]; $pro_ava = $row[5]; $head = $txt[53]; $body = "

$txt[12] $pro_user
$txt[47] $pro_email
$txt[49] $pro_name
$txt[50] $pro_location
$txt[51] $pro_hobbies
$txt[52] $pro_bio

"; } printct(700,700,"

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "statchange"){ ?> $txt[40]$txt[57]"; DoQuery("UPDATE $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]users SET status=1 WHERE username='$XUSER[NAME]'"); sendsysmsgto("$XUSER[NAME] has returned","$ROOMS[IN_ROOM_NAME]"); }else{ $head = $txt[58]; $body = "$txt[59]$txt[40]$txt[60]"; DoQuery("UPDATE $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]users SET status=2 WHERE username='$XUSER[NAME]'"); sendsysmsgto("$XUSER[NAME] is away","$ROOMS[IN_ROOM_NAME]"); } printct(700,700,"

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "settings"){ ?> 20) $refreshrate = 20; $refreshrate = $refreshrate*1000; $newsettings = $logintime.",".$refreshrate.",".$CSs.",".$ssmilies.",".$timestamp.","."3,1,".$offset.",".$sounds.",".$pms; $newsettings = strip($newsettings); DoQuery("UPDATE $SERVER[TBL_PREFIX]users SET settings='$newsettings' WHERE username='$XUSER[NAME]'"); $head = $txt[61]; $body = "$txt[62]

$txt[6]"; }else{ if($STYLE['ENABLE_STYLE'] == 0){ $CSs = ""; }else{ $CSs = " CHECKED"; } if($STYLE['ENABLE_SMILE'] == 0){ $ssmilies = ""; }else{ $ssmilies = " CHECKED"; } if($XUSER['TIMESTAMP'] == 1){ $timestamp = " CHECKED"; }else{ $timestamp = ""; } if($SERVER['ENABLE_SOUNDS'] == 1){ $sounds = " CHECKED"; }else{ $sounds = ""; } if($XUSER['POPUPPM'] == 1){ $pms = " CHECKED"; }else{ $pms = ""; } $refresh = $XUSER['REFRESH']/1000; $head = $txt[63]; $body = "

"; } printct(700,700,"

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "roomlogin"){ ?>
"; printct(700,700,"

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); }elseif($action == "invite"){ ?>
"; $body .= "
$txt[6]"; }else{ $invitewho = eregi_replace("'","\'",$invitewho); irc("/invite $invitewho"); $body = "
$txt[6]"; } printct(700,700,"

","$CS[1]",$CS[2],"$CS[3]"); } ?>

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